After their formidable duo in “Barbie”, Margot Robbie and Ryan Gosling will star in a prequel to “Ocean’s Eleven” directed by Jay Roach. One of the producers of this new film provided some details, and hopes that other projects with the two stars will soon see the light of day.
Margot Robbie – Ryan Gosling, successful duo
This duo entered cinema history with Barbie . In this film, a true phenomenon of the year which exploded the global box office with more than $1.4 billion in revenue , Margot Robbie is Barbie and Ryan Gosling is Ken. Already stars before Greta Gerwig ‘s new feature film , here they are superstars. They are therefore the center of all attention, and the general public has only one desire: to see them together again in the cinema . A desire that will soon be fulfilled, since Margot Robbie and Ryan Gosling will be the stars of the new film in the Ocean’s franchise , which will be a prequel to the very first film released in France in 2002, notably starring George Clooney and Brad Pitt.
Lots of new projects together?
Little is still known about this new film, other than that it will be directed by Jay Roach and will take place in the 1960s in Monaco during the F1 Grand Prix . Jay Roach declared to AP News in June 2023 :
The Monaco Grand Prix serves as the backdrop for this heist which will take place on the yacht of a shipping magnate. I wanted it to be an “old school” film. It’s a kind of epic love story, an adventure disguised as a heist. It’s still a heist film, but above all it’s a love story.
One of the film’s producers, Josey McNamara, recently spoke on the subject at Total Film , during the screening of Saltburn at the BFI London Festival, and said he hoped to see Margot Robbie and Ryan Gosling together again in lots of future projects.
I can’t say much. But I think we’re just trying to honor the franchise. I can’t wait for people to check it out once it’s ready. (Regarding the reunion of Margot Robbie and Ryan Gosling, editor’s note) They are wonderful together. Aside from that, we then have other projects for them that would be awesome.
Already a producer of Barbie via her company LuckyChap Entertainment, Margot Robbie will also produce this prequel to Ocean’s Eleven.
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